Say No to Commercial soaps and Hello to Healing Blue Lotus soap :)
Consider This When You’re Using Commercial Soap:
These soaps are manufactured on GIANT scales, enormous, unbelievable. They must be getting their animal fat from another ginormous supplier.
These suppliers of animal fat, logically, must be commercial feedlots and slaughterhouses.
Commercial feedlots, as a general practice, use antibiotics and hormones and terrible living conditions that are anything but conscious and caring. In fact, they’re downright terrible. Monstrous. You get the picture.
Consider the source when you’re picking out your soap. Consider your consumption.
I have nothing against consciously-created tallowate soap, as a general rule (though I wouldn’t put it on my face if you paid me). Its pH is typically well into the 9.5 and over range, and most larger companies who make soap with tallowate also use TONS of other really icky ingredients.
So cow fat. From crowded, mooing, aching cows. I just thought I’d remind you where some of your soap comes from.